The latest stable version of SLOUCH can be installed from the CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) by entering:
The phylogenetic trees used in SLOUCH are encoded as an object of
class phylo
. Consult the package APE (Analysis of
Phylogenetics and Evolution, Paradis et al. 2004) for the base
functionality, and auxillary packages such as treeio
(Yu et al. 2016) for more modern and
extensive functionality for importing, exporting or plotting
phylogenetic trees in various formats. For the purposes of illustrating
the software, we will use a dataset of ruminant neocortices bundled with
the package and a corresponding phylogenetic tree (Toljagić et
al. 2017). First, we will organize the neocortex data and
associated annotation data.
# Load necessary packages
## Load the phylogenetic tree with annotation data
phy <- artiodactyla
## Load the neocortex dataset
## Plot the tree
plot(ladderize(phy), cex = 0.6)
Now, we have a phylogenetic tree with corresponding morphological data for the extant species. If you use your own data to fit models, it is recommended to store the data for the terminal branches in a data frame or in a similar data structure. In order to line up the data frame with the tree, SLOUCH requires the species in the data frame need to be in a particular order.
## Check whether they are lined up correctly
neocortex$species == phy$tip.label
Unsurprisingly, not all of the species are in their correct places; we will have to reorder the data frame. Here is one way to do it.
neocortex <- neocortex[match(phy$tip.label, neocortex$species), ]
## Check if they line up again
neocortex$species == phy$tip.label
The neocortex dataset includes neocortex area, brain mass and body
mass in ruminants, primarily bovids. It also includes some ecological
information such as the type of habitat (open, closed) or mode of diet
(grazer, browser), see ?neocortex
for further
The idea here is to test whether the phylogenetic relationships have an influence on the distribution of a single variable. Most phylogenetic comparative methods will begin with this step. It is important to realize, however, that phylogenetic effects are not necessarily the same thing as phylogenetic inertia. A variable can be seen to have quite strong phylogenetic effects but such a pattern can easily come about if that variable is evolving towards optima associated with niches that themselves exhibit strong phylogenetic effects. Phylogenetic inertia needs to be measured from the residuals of a model that includes predictor variables that may or may not themselves be phylogenetically structured. First, we plot the neocortex-brain allometry:
braincentered <- neocortex$brain_mass_g_log_mean - mean(neocortex$brain_mass_g_log_mean)
plot(x = braincentered,
y = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
xlab = "Mean log brain mass (g)",
ylab = "Mean log neocortex area (mm2)")
Scatter plot of mean log neocortex area (mm2) on mean log brain mass (g).
The way to test for an overall phylogenetic effect in the SLOUCH program is to fit an intercept-only or grand mean model. The program will estimate the phylogenetic half-life t1/2 (t1/2 = log (2)/α), and the stationary variance vy ( = σy2/2α), using likelihood, and the intercept (b0) using generalized least squares. For now we will use the numerical optimizer (the default setting):
model0 <- = phy,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean)
A minimal overview of model0
can be generated by typing
. The output should be observed with caution
until we trust that the hillclimber has converged at a global maximum,
or by using a fine-grained grid search to accurately estimate t1/2 and vy.
## Response: neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean
## Model fit:
## AICc Support R squared
## 7.055e+01 -3.197e+01 1.654e-16
## ML estimate(s):
## Phylogenetic half-life: 295802.8924
## Stationary variance: 4860.4185
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)
## 9.759
By entering summary(model0)
we get a more detailed
summary of the model output. It displays the best estimates of all the
parameters where support for the regression parameters are given as
standard errors, and log-likelihood values as well as various
information criteria for the best estimate model-fit.
## Important - Always inspect the likelihood surface of the model parameters with
## grid search before evaluating model fit & results.
## Maximum-likelihood estimates
## Estimate
## Phylogenetic half-life 295802.9
## Stationary variance 4860.419
## Inferred maximum-likelihood parameters
## Value
## Mean phylogenetic correction factor 3.185604e-05
## Rate of adaptation 2.343274e-06
## Diffusion variance 0.02277858
## Interval of parameters in 3d plot (Sensitive to grid mesh, grid size and local ML estimate)
## Minimum Maximum
## Phylogenetic half-life 22.8250767 22.8250767
## Stationary variance 0.4716639 0.4716639
## Intercepts
## Estimates Std. error
## (Intercept) 9.759026 0.3681826
## Model fit summary
## Values
## Support -3.20e+01
## AIC 6.99e+01
## AICc 7.05e+01
## SIC 7.52e+01
## R squared 1.65e-16
## SST 4.29e+01
## SSE 4.29e+01
## N (params) 3.00e+00
The phylogenetic half-life parameter (t1/2 = log (2)/α)
measures the influence of the ancestral state of the variable in
question relative to the tendency to evolve towards the common ancestral
state (the intercept). Conversely, α measures the rate of adaptation.
If the best estimate of t1/2 is 0, the ancestral
state does not influence the current state of the variable. The larger
t1/2 gets, the more
influence the past state of the variable has on its current state
(i.e. the trait‘s evolution approaches a Brownian motion as t1/2 approaches
infinity). The units of the phylogenetic half-lives are the same units
as the branch lengths in the phylogenetic tree,
. The total depth, or distance from the
root, can for all nodes be calculated with
. For this phylogenetic tree the
maximum tree depth is about 27 million years.
The parameters we estimate for the models that have a single random predictor variable are: t1/2, σx2, vy, and the regression parameters bi. Recall that the regression parameters bi can be given in one of two ways, as an evolutionary regression or as an optimal regression where the latter is “corrected” by the phylogenetic correction factor. The predictor variance, σx2, is estimated a priori by SLOUCH. The estimation procedure itself is performed in a similar manner as for the intercept-only models above. For example, if we wanted to perform a regression of log neocortex size (mm2) on log brain mass (g), we would enter:
model3 <- = phy,
hl_values = 1,
vy_values = 0.05,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
random.cov = braincentered)
## Response: neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean
## Model fit:
## AICc Support R squared
## -14.5016 11.7771 0.9145
## ML estimate(s):
## Phylogenetic half-life: 2.5219
## Stationary variance: 0
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) braincentered
## 9.668 0.989
Comparative analyses based on species averages should consider the estimation error in these averages as measurement error. This is particularly pressing in fields such as evolutionary physiology, where the measurements of individual organisms may be laborious and expensive. Obtaining many measurements from many individuals from many species is difficult, and one often ends up with sample sizes that are small and uneven across species. In such a situation the variance attributable to measurement error can be a substantial fraction of the total, and one wants to weigh the species data according to their reliability. It is also possible that measurement variance may generate a downward bias in estimates of phylogenetic effects, because it makes species appear less statistically correlated than they are in reality. As discussed above, SLOUCH can incorporate measurement variance in both response and predictor variables.
For the neocortex data, estimates of measurement variance can be obtained as the square of the standard error of the species means. There is, however, a practical difficulty in that small sample sizes also makes for unreliable estimates of the measurement variance; the standard error of a species average obtained from a handful of individuals is so inaccurate as to be worthless. We therefore adopted the procedure of assuming that the within-species variance of each variable was the same for all species. The within-species variance estimated average of the sample variances of each variable was estimated as a sample-size-weighted average of the sample variances of each species; i.e. as
$$ \sigma^2_w = \frac{\sum_i \sigma_{wi}^2 (n_i - 1)}{\sum_i (n_i - 1)} $$
where σwi2 is the sample variance of species i, and ni is the sample size of species i. In this way, the larger sample sizes are weighted more. We then estimated the measurement variance of each species as σw2/ni. See Grabowski et al. (2016) for further discussion. In order to incorporate measurement variance in the model, would enter:
model3 <- = phy,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
mv.response = neocortex$neocortex_se_squared,
random.cov = braincentered,
mv.random.cov = neocortex$brain_se_squared)
plot(x = braincentered,
y = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
xlab = "Mean log brain mass (g)",
ylab = "Mean log neocortex area (mm2)")
col = "black", lwd = 2)
col = "orange", lwd = 2)
The evolutionary (black) and optimal (orange) regression lines for the model of mean log neocortex area (mm2) on mean log brain mass (g), both corrected for bias due to measurement error in mean log brain mass.
While the single-optimum model showed a strong phylogenetic signal,
this model exhibits much less phylogenetic inertia, with best estimate
of the phylogenetic half-life (t1/2) being 1 myr. Here,
the optimal regression is steeper than the evolutionary regression. It
is also possible to fit a model with multiple continuous covariates,
however the input to random.cov
must be a matrix or data
frame that has column names, and the observational error passed to
must be a matrix or data frame of the same
shape as random.cov
bodycentered <- neocortex$body_mass_g_log_mean - mean(neocortex$body_mass_g_log_mean)
model4 <- = phy,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
mv.response = neocortex$neocortex_se_squared,
random.cov = cbind(braincentered,
mv.random.cov = cbind(neocortex$brain_se_squared,
## Response: neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean
## Model fit:
## AICc Support R squared
## -13.3092 12.4654 0.9232
## ML estimate(s):
## Phylogenetic half-life: 2.0344
## Stationary variance: 0
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) braincentered bodycentered
## 9.67005 0.90922 0.03934
function will on default estimate the
intercept k. If the
phylogenetic tree is non-ultrametric, for example due to the inclusion
of extinct species, it is possible to estimate the components of k. Recall that, when y is evolving according to an
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in response to one or more predictors x evolving as Brownian motions, the
intercept k is
k = e−αtya + (1 − e−αt)b0 + (1 − e−αt − ρ(αt))(b1xa1 + b2xa2 + …)
SLOUCH can independently estimate ya, b0 and the sum bxa = (b1xa1 + b2xa2 + …). Using the same example with neocortex evolving in response to brain size, we would specify:
model5 <- = phy,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
mv.response = neocortex$neocortex_se_squared,
random.cov = braincentered,
mv.random.cov = neocortex$brain_se_squared,
estimate.Ya = TRUE,
estimate.bXa = TRUE)
The parameters ya and bxa
represent the ancestral states for y and x separate from the regression
intercept b0. Since
this phylogenetic tree is ultrametric, we cannot recover independent
estimates of these. If we would try to execute the above code, we would
not be able to estimate the GLS coefficients since the model matrix
becomes singular. Even if we had a non-ultrametric tree, the intercept
components are often estimated with extremely low power, so it can make
sense to estimate them as a combined intercept term. This is done by
default, or by specifying, estimate.Ya = FALSE, estimate.bXa = FALSE)
in the function call. The phylogenetic residual covariance matrix will
always be computed based on the phylogenetic tree, whether it is
ultrametric or not. In some cases (for example, when inertia is small),
estimating the components of k
will not work (due mainly to numerical issues because of unstable
coefficient and parameter combinations in the intercept terms and
non-convergence of regression parameters). Also note that, in the
non-ultrametric case, each species theoretically has its own optimal
intercept (b0),
however the reported estimate is actually an average of these. Its
primary purpose is to allow us to plot a regression line.
SLOUCH can fit models with multiple adaptive regimes or niches over
the branches of the phylogenetic tree. We will fit neocortex size as a
function of diet in ruminants. Trees in the phylo
are represented by the edges found in phy$edge
, where each
edge connects two vertices or nodes. All of the tip nodes have indices
starting from 1, 2, 3 … until ntips,
in this case 43. The root node has index ntips+1,
here 44, and the rest of the internal nodes have indices (ntips+2,
…, nnodes).
When running this type of model, we will need to specify the internal
adaptive regimes in the order of node indices (ntips+1,
…, nnodes).
The regimes for the tips must be supplied to the fixed.fact
argument (, fixed.fact = neocortex$diet)
and the regimes for the internal nodes must be assigned to
. In order to plot and visually verify that
the ancestral state configuration is sensible, we need to have all the
regimes in the order of the edges, not the nodes.
## Inspect the internal node regimes
## These have order n+1, n+2, n+3 ...
internal_regimes <- factor(phy$node.label)
## Concatenate tip and internal regimes. These will have order 1,2,3 ...
regimes <- c(neocortex$diet, internal_regimes)
## Pick out the regimes of the edges, in the order of phy$edge
edge_regimes <- factor(regimes[phy$edge[,2]])
edge.color = c("Black", "Orange", "blue")[edge_regimes],
edge.width = 3, cex = 0.6)
If it looks like there are no visible mistakes, we can go ahead and fit the model in SLOUCH.
model6 <- = phy,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
direct.cov = neocortex$brain_mass_g_log_mean,
fixed.fact = neocortex$diet)
## Response: neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean
## Model fit:
## AICc Support R squared
## -16.1789 15.2561 0.9104
## ML estimate(s):
## Phylogenetic half-life: 8.5274
## Stationary variance: 0.0357
## Coefficients:
## Br Gr
## 5.3747 5.6045
## MF neocortex$brain_mass_g_log_mean
## 5.5559 0.8204
SLOUCH can also fit models with continuous covariates that don’t have any phylogenetic covariance structure, variables that influence the optimum directly and immediately.
model7 <- = phy,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
mv.response = neocortex$neocortex_se_squared,
direct.cov = neocortex$brain_mass_g_log_mean, = neocortex$brain_se_squared)
## Response: neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean
## Model fit:
## AICc Support R squared
## -20.0123 14.5325 0.8994
## ML estimate(s):
## Phylogenetic half-life: 106.3999
## Stationary variance: 0.1483
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) neocortex$brain_mass_g_log_mean
## 5.4053 0.8463
function can fit the same kinds of
models that
does, except under a Brownian
motion model of evolution. The parameters vy = σy2/2α
and t1/2 no longer
apply. The intercept-only model can be fitted by entering the
model8 <- = phy,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
mv.response = neocortex$neocortex_se_squared)
## Response: neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean
## Model fit:
## AICc Support R squared
## 68.45 -32.08 0.00
## ML estimate(s):
## Diffusion variance: 0.0225
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)
## 9.758
We will fit log neocortex area with different trends for each dietary regime:
model9 <- = phy,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
mv.response = neocortex$neocortex_se_squared,
fixed.fact = neocortex$diet)
## Response: neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean
## Model fit:
## AICc Support R squared
## 67.2892 -29.1183 0.1292
## ML estimate(s):
## Diffusion variance: 0.0196
## Coefficients:
## Br Gr MF
## 0.3418 0.4079 0.3647
In this example, the trends (τ) are in units of log neocortex(mm2) × myr−1. Since with this procedure we assume that ya = 0, we can only interpret the relative differences among the trends. By looking at the pairwise contrasts, we can see that the expected increase in neocortex for grazers is slightly larger than for browsers and mixed feeders.
We can also fit a model where the trend is expressed as a linear function of another variable (τ = a + bx). To fit such a model of log neocortex area on log brain mass, we would enter:
model10 <- = phy,
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
mv.response = neocortex$neocortex_se_squared,
random.cov = braincentered,
mv.random.cov = neocortex$brain_se_squared)
## Response: neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean
## Model fit:
## AICc Support R squared
## 4.3028 1.1563 0.9161
## ML estimate(s):
## Diffusion variance: 0
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) braincentered
## 9.70542 0.06404
Note that even though we model the trend in neocortex size as a function of brain size, there is no information of any net change per time, as we assume that ya = 0. Thus, we interpret the model either as being zero-“net trend” or being agnostic of the direction of change per time. If we want to get the predictions for this model, we get
y = ya + a + ρbx. Substituting ya = 0, a = 9.71, ρ = 27.2myr/2, b = 0.064myr−1, we get the observed allometric relationship between neocortex size (y) and brain size (x):
y = 9.71 + 0.87x. SLOUCH also computes the observed relationship automatically:
Previously we used the numerical optimizer to find maximum-likelihood
estimates of t1/2
and vy.
This technique uses the method “L-BFGS-B” in the optim(...)
function to estimate parameters in the OU model, and method “Brent” when
α is constrained to zero and
the model is reduced to a Brownian motion. On default it will start on a
random combination of t1/2 and σy2/2α,
but this may also be specified. While the hillclimber is fast and may
seem accurate at first glance, there are some drawbacks. If the
likelihood search space has several local maxima, the hillclimber may
converge at a sub-optimal location and give parameter estimates that are
not truly maximum-likelihood estimates. Additionally, even though the
hillclimber may converge at some local or global maximum, it will not
indicate whether the support region of the parameters is narrow or wide.
Another problem when using the hillclimber is that, depending on the
specified model, the residual variance-covariance matrix V may collapse if σy2/2α
reaches zero. The immediate consequence is that matrix is
non-invertible, and the program will return an error. If within-species
observational error is non-zero and added to the model, this does not
happen. In order to use the hillclimber, it may be necessary to
constrain its search space such that σy2/2α
does not enter zero or close to zero. The exact feasible boundary for
this may depend on the scale of the response trait.
The alternative is to use a grid search where we provide vectors of potential values for each parameter to the program to find the combination that maximizes the likelihood. One way to find the best parameters is to start with a rough grid (i.e. values of t1/2 and vy incremented by large integer numbers) and then to “home in” on the best supported region with finer scaled grids. Some caution and “trial and error” need to be exercised here as it is possible to miss the support region entirely if the grid values are too widely spaced. There are several ways to create a vector of values in R for this purpose:
## The manual way
h <- c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 100)
vy <- h
## Using the seq function
h <- seq(from = 0.001, to = 100, length.out = 15)
vy <- seq(from = 0.001, to = 5, length.out = 15)
## Using a seq function with logarithmically spaced steps
h <- lseq(from = 0.001, to = 100, length.out = 15)
vy <- lseq(from = 0.001, to = 5, length.out = 15)
Using the default values of the model fitting function
, we use an initial grid search to find the
maximum likelihood estimates of t1/2 and vy in a
single-optimum model, and change the grid location depending on how the
surface looks. When using grid search, it may be easier to explicitly
disable the hillclimber technique,
i.e. hillclimb = FALSE)
model_grid_0 <- = phy,
hl_values = seq(0.001, 12, length.out = 20),
vy_values = seq(0.1, 1, length.out = 20),
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
hillclimb = FALSE)
Three-dimensional joint support region for the estimates of half-lives and stationary variances, for the single-optimum model.
The vertical axis in Figure (…) represents the log-likelihood
standardized so that the maximum log-likelihood equals 0. The two
horizontal axes are the vector of hl_values
that we defined in the function arguments. The
peak that rises out of the flat surface therefore, represents the
specific combination of hl_values
that are more than two support units below the
best estimate. The flat surface itself represents parameter values
falling outside the 2-unit support region (as defined by Edwards 1992).
If the user prefers to plot an m-unit support region, a support
value of m can be specified in
by supplying the argument ,support = m)
model_grid_1 <- = phy,
hl_values = seq(0.001, 150, length.out = 20),
vy_values = seq(0.1, 2.5, length.out = 20),
species = neocortex$species,
response = neocortex$neocortex_area_mm2_log_mean,
hillclimb = FALSE)
Another slice of the log likelihood surface for the same single-optimum model
The plots of the likelihood surfaces are both based on the same data, but with different grid location and resolution. This graphical output is useful for finding and refining the support region where the aim would be to identify the upper and lower 2-unit marginal support regions for t1/2 and vy. Note that the support region is relative to the best estimate among the parameters evaluated in the entire parameter search (including parameters evaluated with the hillclimber). Thus it is essential to include the best estimate when calculating the support set. The optima and model fit statistics that are reported in the summary are conditional on the combination of these t1/2 and vy that give the highest log-likelihood; in this case the peak of the surface in the likelihood plot. If the grid-search does not contain the true maximum likelihood, the model outputs will reflect this. It is also possible to use other packages to plot the grid-search likelihood surface, for a more aesthetic look (not run).
p <- plot_ly(x = model0$supportplot$hl,
y = model0$supportplot$vy,
z = model0$supportplot$z) %>%
add_surface() %>%
layout(title = "Grid-search",
scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "Phylogenetic half-life"),
yaxis = list(title = "Stationary variance"),
zaxis = list(title = "Log-likelihood")))
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